尊敬的展商、观众、合作伙伴及业界同仁: 感谢您对国际电子电路展览会(CPCA SHOW)的支持与关注!根据国务院联防联控机制工作部署的精神:十月底前“非必要不举办培训、会展、文艺演出等大型聚集性活动”。为积极响应做好疫情防控工作,切实保障参展商及观众的健康、安全及参展效果,经审慎研究:原定于2022年10月12日至14日在深圳国际会展中心(宝安)举办的“2022国际电子电路(华南)展览会”无法如期举办,有关展会的下一步安排,我们将积极协调后再另行公告。 对于此次展会变动给您带来的不便,我们深表歉意,同时亦恳请各位做好相应调整安排。 如果您有任何问题,请及时与我们联系。 再次感谢各位的理解和体谅! 中国电子电路行业协会上海颖展展览服务有限公司 2022年9月22日 2022 INTERNATIONAL ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS (SOUTH CHINA) EXHIBITION ANNOUNCEMENT Dear exhibitors, visitors and industry partners: Thank you for your support and attention to the INTERNATIONAL ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS (SOUTH CHINA) EXHIBITION (CPCA SHOW)! According to requirements of the joint covid prevention and control from the State Council:Large gathering activities such as training, exhibition and theatrical performance are highly restricted before the end of October. In order to respond to the epidemic prevention and effectively ensure the health, safety of all exhibitors and visitors, we are sorry to announce that:The "2022 International Electronic Circuits (South China) Exhibition", originally scheduled to be held in Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center (Bao'an) from October 12 to 14, 2022, could not be held as scheduled. We will actively coordinate with relevant parties and make new announcement for the exhibition soon. We apologize for the inconvenience caused by the change of the exhibition, and we also urge you to make appropriate adjustments. If you have any questions, please contact us any time. Thank you again for your understanding! China Printed Circuit AssociationShanghai Ying Zhan Exhibition Service Co., Ltd. September 22, 2022 来源:CPCA