2021 国际电子电路(深圳)展览会(HKPCA Show)延期公告
鉴于深圳市宝安区的展会活动于2021年11月30日仍未恢复,组委会在没有其它选择下,只能将原定于2021年12月8 -10日举办的“2021国际电子电路(深圳)展览会(HKPCA Show)”延期至2022年1月5 -7日。展会延期后,举办地点不变,继续在深圳国际会展中心(宝安新馆)5-8号馆。
最新展会信息将通过展会官方网站:www.hkpcashow.org 以及微信公众号“国际电子电路深圳展会”发布,敬请关注。
2021 国际电子电路(深圳)展览会组委会
Announcement:Rescheduling of 2021 International Electronics Circuit Exhibition (Shenzhen)
Dear exhibitors, visitors and partners,
As trade shows in Bao’an District have still not resumed as at 30 November 2021. The organizing committee has reluctantly decided to reschedule the 2021 International Electronics Circuit from 8 – 10 December 2021 to 5 – 7 January 2022. The show venue will remain unchanged in Halls 5-8 of the Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center (Bao’an).
We apologize for the inconvenience caused, but at the same time we would like to express our gratitude to exhibitors, industry associations and visitors for their strong support and trust! The organizing committee will continue to make every effort to prepare for the exhibition, maintain close communication with all relevant parties and closely monitor the development of the pandemic. We would like to urge all honoured exhibitors to make corresponding rescheduling arrangements.
Thank you again for your patience and understanding, and we look forward to meeting you at the Show in January!
Please visit the official website at www.hkpcashow.org and official WeChat at “PCB_SMT” for the latest show update.
Organizing Committee of 2021 International Electronics Circuit Exhibition (Shenzhen)
30 November 2021